  • Brand Play To Learn
  • Location Buenos Aires Argentina
  • Client Franco David Srebernic
  • Budget 300
  • Industry Educacion
  • Release 14/10/2022
  • Live Look page
Play To Learn
Web app
Web design


Play To Learn, a cryptocurrency courses academy, faced the challenge of establishing an effective online presence to attract and retain users interested in their courses. They needed a website that would provide clear information about their courses, highlight testimonials, showcase the flagship course, and streamline the purchasing process through a payment carousel. Additionally, they required an interactive and modern course platform with a customized content management system to manage courses, sections, coupons, users, and an administrative dashboard.


The value delivered to Play To Learn was substantial by incorporating advanced and modern tools that ensured the success of this intricate project. Cutting-edge technologies such as Next.js, Firebase, Node.js, and TypeScript were employed for the web page development, ensuring optimal performance and a seamless user experience. Additionally, Vue.js was implemented to create an interactive and modern course platform, providing users with an engaging educational experience. The integration of various specialized libraries contributed to the efficiency and security of the system, meeting Play To Learn's high standards in its mission to deliver high-quality cryptocurrency courses.

Value delivered

The delivery of value to Play To Learn materialized through the implementation of advanced and modern tools that ensured the success of this intricate project. For the landing page, innovative technologies such as Next.js were employed, ensuring an attractive UI/UX design and efficient navigation. The choice of Firebase and Node.js for the backend ensured a solid and secure foundation, while the incorporation of TypeScript facilitated development with more robust and maintainable code. Additionally, Vue.js played a crucial role in creating the interactive course platform, offering an engaging and modern educational experience. The careful selection of various specialized libraries contributed to the system's efficiency, ensuring fast and secure performance throughout the process. Collectively, this combination of advanced technologies ensured that Play To Learn could provide an appealing website and an interactive course platform that met their high standards and requirements.

Play To Learn: Digital Transformation in the Cryptocurrency Education Realm

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In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency academies, Play To Learn faced the challenge of establishing an effective online presence to attract new users and provide clear information about its courses and platform. The need to showcase testimonials, highlight their flagship course, and facilitate purchases through a payment carousel became key points to address. Additionally, they required an interactive and modern course platform backed by a custom content management system. Let’s explore how Play To Learn overcame these challenges and delivered a comprehensive solution.

Web Page Design: An Engaging Experience

The solution for Play To Learn began with the creation of an attractive and functional web page. The UI/UX design focused on user experience, incorporating multiple sections and pages that detailed every aspect of the academy. Cards, forms, and layouts were integrated to present information clearly and organized, maintaining visual coherence with the brand’s colors and font. The implementation of an efficient payment carousel facilitated quick course purchases, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Interactive Course Platform: Advanced Technologies in Action

Building an interactive and modern course platform required cutting-edge technologies. Tools such as Next.js, Firebase, Node.js, and TypeScript were employed for web page development, ensuring optimal performance and robust code. The inclusion of Vue.js allowed the creation of an immersive and modern educational platform, providing users with an interactive and high-quality learning experience. The implementation of various specialized libraries contributed to the efficiency and security of the system, guaranteeing a smooth and reliable learning process.

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Content Management: An Intuitive Control Panel

The solution also addressed the need for a custom content management system. A CMS was developed to manage courses, sections, coupons, and users. This easy-to-handle content manager gives Play To Learn complete control over its educational platform, enabling efficient and rapid management of key elements.

Delivered Value: Transformed Cryptocurrency Education

The implementation of these advanced solutions provided Play To Learn with a standout online presence and a modern educational platform. From the engaging navigation of the web page to the interactive experience on the course platform, users enjoy a complete digital transformation. Play To Learn has not only attracted new students but has also enhanced the educational experience in the cryptocurrency world. With a combination of innovative design and advanced technologies, Play To Learn is positioned to lead education in this exciting and dynamic field.


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